Saturday, April 11, 2009

Topic 6: Video Game and its Media Effects

Critical Reflection

By using McLuhan's Tetrad of Media which consist of ENHANCES,REVERSES,RETRIEVES and OBSOLESCES. I will try to explain the media effects of VIDEO GAME.

Video Game is a form of entertainmen
t media and since the first day that it was created, video game had since entertained it's user. Video Games can be divided into many genres and with current generation of technologies, sky is the limit. Nowadays, video games are not only just an entertainment media but it also work as a simulation and also as a exercise program. These features enhances the publisher's target of consumer not only just to teenagers and kids, but also to the more mature consumers. Looking back at the early days of video games, it was really simple which is made of tiny dots and two bars. It differs from the current generation of video games which made up of complex polygons to produce something much closer to reality. From the use of video games, people can get a pure entertainment from it and some people might say that video games are some kind of interactive movie. There is no limit for video games and with more high end technologies coming, it is almost confirm that in 10 years from now the quality of video games will be enhanced nearly 100% from its current best state.

Personal Reflection

The lecturer talk about a guy named Mc Luhan which is explains about effects of the media to human and what is cold and hot media exactly .

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Topic 5: Difference of Obscenity,Pornography and Indecency


Obscenity can be defined as something that is not appropriate or offensive and different culture will have a different way to define it.As for example of an obscenity case can be view from this video.


Pornography is a type of adult entertainment that specifically shows things that revolves around sexual act with the intention of entertaining its viewer sexually. The act of pornography like what we know right now starts way back in the Victorian era. Pornography can be found in almost all type of media. This video will explain the definition of Pornography.

Indecency can be define as an inappropriate activity that often prohibited of its act in public. There are plenty of cases regarding Indecency as an example, peeing in public is an act of indecency. This video serve as an example of PUBLIC INDECENCY.

This week class is not the most exciting class ever as we were asked to do an essay 800 words long, which is not my area of specialty. So I can say that this week class is not the best class I've ever attended.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Media Stereotype...

Critical Reflection

* Media stereotype can be explain as a way of how an information can be easily be understand by a mass audience without losing to much information.

* It also act as an easier and faster mean to send out a message.

Maybe a good example

Personal Reflection

* No class :D

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Internet News....

Critical Reflection

* Do I often take what is on the internet as truth, my answer will be no. I wont believe everything in the internet as internet is a place where anything can be said even if it's not the truth. Information on the internet can be massive and sometimes limitless. But this is all depends with the source of the information, news or information from an internet newspaper like THE STAR ONLINE can be considered as a reliable source as the news or information is pretty much came from a legitimate reporter. On the other hand, news or information that comes from an open-source service like WIKIPEDIA can sometimes be unreliable. This is mainly caused by its own nature of gathering information which is from everyone across the globe. Almost anyone can write the information and it is up to the other users to verify it, and this will increase the chance that the information will be fake.

* Trusting information or news from the net can sometimes be very confusing as a news can be pretty convincing depending on how it is written. So it is up to the reader to decide which one they prefer and which one they want to believe. Therefore readers should be much more open minded and aware with their surrounding so that they wont instantly believes on the news or information that can be found on the internet.

VIDEO about unreliable news....


*My personal reflection on this weeks class is that it is as exiting as always :| ... cos I submit my summary as requested... YEAY!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Topic 1: Social Media!

Task:Discuss how this new phenomenon is affecting your life and the lives around you

Critical Reflection

*From my reading about social media in wikipedia I found that Social Media are primarily internet and mobile-based tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings. For example, Blogger is a type of social media where anything can be written and it can easily be access by others.

*Discussing about how Social Media affecting my life, well I have to say it really is something addictive for me for years now. It started way back and at first I really got stuck to lots of forums and one of it is
LOWYAT.NET which is a forum based in Malaysia where you can talk about almost everything. After years of that, I started join MYSPACE.COM and use it for a while until I joined BLOGGER.COM and have stay with it until now. From here I can say that social media are now a part of my life and it looks to stay that way for quite a long time. From my experience of using social media forms I can say that it is easier to get to know and interact with lots of people from all part of the world.


*Social Media affect my life a lot and as it affect my life it also affect others. It is something that always have relate with each other, as for examples, I post a question in a forum which at the same time there are others who like to ask the same question. From there, me and the others can benefit from the post that I made and this is how social media can affect others life.

Personal Reflection

* Week 4 class... as always many will feel like to sleep and I know this is not just in MLC class :D

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Media Culture...
